Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 4 will be airing this Sunday. Previously we saw Inosuke and Zenitsu come close to demons in their respective brothels. Let’s get a quick recap. Kimetsu no Yaiba Season 3 started its new arc i.e the Entertainment district arc, for which fans have been waiting for a while.


Demon Slayer Season 3

Well, let’s see what’s there for the fans from the Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 4. This article will discuss the release date, Time, and Where to watch Kimetsu no Yaiba Season 3. Spoiler warning if you haven’t watched the previous episode yet, well I guess you are not that big of a fan. So, here we go.

Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 4:

Release date:

Demon Slayer season 3 episode 4 titled “Tonight” will air on the 26th of December, just 2 more days to go, so get super excited. But in the meantime, let’s see what’s in store for us in the Entertainment district arc. Just a reminder that new episodes of Demon slayer will be airing every Sunday. If there’s a change in the dates this article will be updated accordingly.

It will be out at 11:15 PM JST, here is the time of release for other time zones:

  • Pacific Time: 8:45 AM PT
  • Central Time: 10:45 AM CT
  • Eastern Time: 11:45 AM ET

Where to read/ Watch:

If you want to watch Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 4, here are the links to the official sites:

Anime: Netflix, Hulu.


(Please use official sites for watching anime or reading manga, as it shows your support towards your favorite animes).

Demon Slayer Season 3 Episode 3: Recap

Episode 3 Titled “What are You” was a great episode where we learn more about the demon residing in the Yoshiwara district. The Episode starts with a flashback of Edo- Yoshiwara, where Omitsu confronts Warabihime about the missing girls. The room closes and when it opens only Warabihime comes out, with the room completely empty.

Cut to present Tokyo- Yoshiwara. We see Makio is being questioned in the Ogimoto house by Daki. Inosuke try to get closer to Makio’s room and feels something is odd. Inosuke Opens the gate to find that even though no window is open, still there is wind inside the room. He realizes that the demon is inside the attic and chases her throughout the house. But eventually Loses track of her.

Demon Slayer Season 3 so far has one antagonist i.e. Daki Upper-rank demon.

Entertainment district arc

On the other hand, we see Zentinsu aimlessly roaming the house, listening to every conversation. He suddenly hears someone crying and rushes towards the noise. As Zenitsu tries to calm down the child, He felt a demon standing behind him. Terrified to his core, he knows its a bad news. Zenitsu tries to stop Daki from hurting the girl but is thrown across the room and gets unconscious.

The episode ends with a flashback of two days before the Demon corpse infiltrated where the owner of Kyogoku house was killed by Warabihime making it look like suicide.

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