Image by GARSL

Hello everyone, this article contains major spoilers for the upcoming episodes, here is the spoiler warning for you all, leave if you don’t want to get spoiled. Kefla probably will get eliminated in 116 as there is no spoiler related to Kefla in upcoming episodes!

These are the Korean Spoilers translated by Herms98 of Episode 117 that is going to be released on 25th November has major news for the fans. Since, there is not a word relating to Kefla in the upcoming Spoilers, therefore we will assume that she is eliminated in Episode 116 (Goku fires a Kamehameha on her at point blank range in Ultra Instinct form).

The two major news are that we will see Androids in action for protecting Goku from Ribrianne of Universe 2, as his energy is drained again, therefore universe 2 including Ribrianne may get eliminated soon.

Vegeta tries to use Ultra Instinct by copying Goku and acts unconsciously but he fails and gets attacked by Katopesla.

This also indicates that soon Vegeta too will get Ultra Instinct, An image of Katopesla Police of Universe 3 who will attack Vegeta is shown below:


We all know that Androids will definitely beat the hell out of those Universe 2 weird love spreading warriors. We may see Universe 2 or 6 get erased in episode 118 as per the title’s translation goes:

Dragon Ball Super Episode 118 (December 3rd)

Title: ‘Tragedy Discloses in on the Vanishing Universe!’

Synopsis: There is no synopsis available right now but it seems like the Universe of Rebrianne (Universe 2) will get erased according to the title above. This is what everyone is wishing for since the beginning of the tournament.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 119 (December 10th)

Title: ‘A new sacrifice from Universe 7! Universe 4 gets serious, and universe 7 becomes the victim of it!’

Synopsis: There is no synopsis available right now, but as from the title we are going to witness the Invisible warrior of Universe 4 in action and the victim will be a fighter from Universe 7.

Universe 4 hidden warrior

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Howdy, I am Jaspreet Singh - A passionate blogger who continuously searches for new things and the one who likes to explore. There is plenty of misinformation when it comes to the latest news about many anime related stuff, so, I started a website named Omnitos in 2016 to introduce change in this field towards good. Follow me on Facebook! For any questions/complaints contact me at