Attack on Titan, one of the best anime series of all time, is getting closer to its conclusion. We’ve previously seen Rumbling’s nightmares, but now it’s time to see Mikasa and others fight to stop Eren. Annie and Reiner, surprisingly, have joined Mikasa and others in this final battle. And it’d be fascinating to witness how each member of the gang overcomes their past differences in order to work toward a common goal: saving the world. So today we are here to discuss Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 Episode 10.

Moving forward this post will contain some of the spoilers. If you do not want to read them please be careful. And move straight to sections like Release Date and Where to watch. Apart from this, we will include the raw scans, spoilers, and leaks for Attack On Titan Season’s latest episode. So read till the end and have a good read.

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Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 Episode 10:


Previously, Jean is torn between his inner and outer selves. He tries to relax by visualizing his future as a regular life with no guilt. After the talk with Hange, Mikasa, on the other side, is going to stop Eren. Hange has enlisted the support of Jean, Mikasa, and other Eldians to prevent Eren from rumbling. Also, Cart Titan and Marleyans will aid Eldians in their fight against Eren.

Furthermore, Jean was unaware of the true circumstances surrounding Marco’s death. He didn’t want to hear anything else from Reiner after learning the truth. Because Reiner was the primary cause of his death. There are many highs and lows in this episode. And the fans totally loved it.

Release Date:

Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 Episode 10 Titled “Traitor” will be released on 13th March 2024. According to the official sources. And as we all know Attack on Titan is a weekly anime, releasing every Sunday. If there’s a change in the dates this article will be updated accordingly. This will also be a crucial episode since Eren’s followers will arrive here.

Here are the official Dates and Times for the episodes release:

  • Pacific Time: 12:45 PM PST (February 13th)
  • Central Time: 2:45 PM CST (February 13th)
  • Eastern Time: 3:45 PM EST (February 13th)
  • British Time: 8:45 PM GMT (February 13th)
  • European Time: 9:45 PM CET (February 13th)
  • Indian Time: 2:15 AM IST (February 13th)

Also, Here’s the preview of the next chapter:

Where To Watch Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 Episode 10?

Here are the official links to the sites where you can watch the latest episodes of Attack on Titan:

(Please use official sites for watching anime or reading manga, as it shows your support towards your favorite animes).