Dr Stone Chapter 202 -
Dr Stone Chapter 202 - " Journey To Spain ", Release Date!

The entire team has set sail on the water in search of materials to build the three main things for space travel which is a spaceship, spacesuit, and rocket engine. Their current objective is to go to Spain and collect Fluorite from Barcelona. They are finally back in the Mediterranean sea and have a life filled with adventure awaiting them. Senku is yet to face Whyman but he still uses morse code and sends a warning to Senku which translates to “Do You Want To Die?”. This article will completely update you on Dr Stone Chapter 202 – ” Journey To Spain “, Release Date!


Dr Stone Chapter 202 Release Date

Dr Stone Chapter 202 Release date is confirmed to be June 27th, 2024. This is the official release date of Dr Stone Manga and no further delays are expected this week. The next chapter will feature their journey to Spain in order to collect Fluorite from Barcelona, but what awaits them over there might take us all by surprise. To know more about shonen jump weekly release dates and delays, make sure to stay updated with us at Omnitos.

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Viz Media and Mangaplus are considered to be a few of the top manga reading platforms. They provide weebs with all the latest manga chapters free of cost. It is also famous for its timely releases and vast coverage of all the ongoing manga. All the latest chapters of Dr Stone including Dr Stone Chapter 202 can be read on the above-mentioned platforms.