Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 3

Hello, everyone, I know you all are excited for the next Episode as you all enjoyed the earlier episode and waiting for Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 3 which will release on September 6, 2018 (UPDATED). We will update you as soon as it releases. We currently have the summary, date. Some people are surprised due to the appearance of Vegito Blue Kaio-Ken and Golden Cooler vs Evil Saiyan Kaanba or Cumber. This week there was only one DBS Movie 2018 News. Subscribe to our Reddit Community for latest updates. Updated, Dragon Ball Super Broly Movie Spoilers are here!

DBH Episode 3 Release Date

Release Date will be on September 6, 2018, and the time is 1:30 PM Japan Standard Time. We will update once the DBH episode 3 releases in Japan. English Subbed will release 3-4 hours later the original release.

Where to watch Dragon Ball Heroes?

We advise you all to use official sources to watch the Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 3 to support DBH.

What is Dragon Ball Heroes? Is this Dragon Ball Heroes Canon?

For those who don’t know what is Dragon Ball Heroes Anime, DBH is a Japan exclusive game and it is releasing these Promotional Animes to promote the game.

The Answer to the second question is no, it is non-canon. It is just a promotional Anime for the Japan Exclusive Game and will feature non-canon characters.

Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 3 Summary

“The Evil Saiyan Cumber has revealed his true form, and to face off against him, Goku and Vegeta fuse with the Potara earrings! They become the mightiest warrior Vegito Blue, and even power up with the Kaio-ken! Kanba counter attacks by unleashing an amazing form.”

Dragon Ball Heroes Character List

There will be a mysterious Evil Saiyan called Cumber/Kaanba. He will fight with Vegtio Blue Kioken effortlessly.

Future Trunks will also be involved in this anime.

Thanks for reading, make sure you all subscribe to our blog for more latest updates regarding Dragon Ball Super.

Howdy, I am Jaspreet Singh - A passionate blogger who continuously searches for new things and the one who likes to explore. There is plenty of misinformation when it comes to the latest news about many anime related stuff, so, I started a website named Omnitos in 2016 to introduce change in this field towards good. Follow me on Facebook! For any questions/complaints contact me at jaspreet@omnitos.com