We have got some new exclusive spoilers about episode 119. The new spoilers have revealed some new facts and stuff which we are gonna discuss below. Warning Major leaks ahead!
These new spoilers have confirmed the erasure of Universe 6. With 2 fighters remaining in the squad, they will soon be eliminated, Universe 6 was already on the edge of erasure in 117.
EPISODE 119 (10th December, 2017)
An invisible enemy! Universe 4’s surprise attack!
With the annihilation of Universe 6, the Tournament of Power has entered its final stage! Universe 4 now begins a surprise attack against Universe 7!
How will Goku and his team mates face this Invisible enemy?!
These spoilers have now confirmed that Gohan And Piccolo are going to eliminate those Namekians. Although, it will be really interesting to see Beerus’s emotions at that time. Though there is no information about Universe 2 but we know from the earlier spoilers that Goku will Kamehamha the remaining warriors of Universe 2 in Episode 118.
Moving ahead, they also have revealed one of the power of the unknown warriors of Universe 4. Currently there is no confirmed news about these warrior’s powers but there are rumors that Damon has the power of self-destruction. Maybe this is how we can beat Jiren though? Let’s talk about their power and appearance. Invisibility is confirmed!
Damom Appearance:
He appears to be like an insect resembling cicada, short in size, 2 antennas with red eyes. Also, we have seen him in the opening song.You can see him in the image below in the official calendar of Dragon Ball super appearance of Universe 4 warrior!
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Now Let’s talk about the second warrior:
His appearance is similar to Damom despite being purple in color.Gamisaras only have appeared only on Zeno’s God tab.
(Sorry this is the best quality and single image available of Gamisaras)
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