Hey all, hope you all are having a good day. Was Vegeta Ultra blue teased? Anyway a new spoiler was released today. Do you know most of the Dragon Ball Super streaming sites like Cruncyroll and Funimation got crashed when episode 122 was released.
DBS episode 123: “Full Body, Spirit, and Power Unleashed! Goku and Vegeta!!” January 14th
New Spoiler: Goku challenges Jiren once again after Vegeta got hurt because of the last blow from Jiren. Making constant use of Instant Transmission along with countless ki attacks, Goku tried to confuse Jiren, but Jiren…?!
In the preview of Episode 123 Goku has been trying hard to beat Jiren but that pushed him in a grave situation and at that moment Vegeta releases a tremendous amount of Ki, and gives off a royal Blue aura.
The fans are really excited about this new form and on a popular Japanese forum and conversation site people have named this new form as “Miggate Blue” or “Blue Miggate”. We were also teased with this image below in the new Ending song.
So, what are your thoughts about this. Drop your opinions in comment section and follow our blog.