When growers want to learn more about CBD autoflower seeds or any other type, they should always pay attention to genetics. Sooner or later, they delve into the topic and begin to dig deeper.
Understanding the basic principles of genetics seems like a matter of course. However, not many growers can boast of a deep understanding of the topic. Today we will analyze what genetics is and how it affects the chemical profile of a plant. We will make sure you get the right medical marijuana seeds for sale here https://askgrowers.com/seeds/cbd.
First Generation or F1 Hybrids
By breeding two varieties with absolutely different genetics, such as Sugar Magnolia and American Beauty, we get Medusa F1, a stable first-generation F1 hybrid, ideal for experienced growers. It differs in endurance and stability throughout all life cycles, revealing the maximum potential in quantity and quality of a crop.
If we cross two plants of the first generation, the result will be seeds of the F2 generation. The F3 and F4 generations are created according to the same logic. Yet, growers are especially fond of F1 hybrids. They show outstanding stamina and vitality and usually produce larger sizes and yields than other generations.
What are Inbred Line Cannabis Seeds (IBL)?

It is worth mentioning the inbred cannabis genotypes when two varieties with the parallel genetic fund are crossed. The result is a variety that does not resemble its parents and acquires a new set of characteristics and features. The most famous Skunk strain was once crossed many times with each other, and the result was the prominent Cheese, a perfect and very odorous strain that resembles the cheese smell.
These seeds come from plants with almost the same genetics, so the resulting seeds are stable and predictable for the grower. Such selection, however, is very demanding and takes several years.

If you cross strain A and strain B, get generation F1 marijuana AB from them, and then cross strain C and D, getting SD F1, and then cross AB and SD with each other, this results in a poly hybrid variety. The highlight of such strains is that each seed from one generation will have different properties. One plant will inherit the color from its ancestors, and the other will inherit the taste and aroma, but in terms of the impact quality, they will be on the same level. By doing that you can create an enormous number of variations of strains, extracting the best ancestors’ characteristics.
Backcrossing is used to consolidate certain characteristics in a particular variety. When a hybrid is crossed with its parent strains, and this can happen several times, respectively, the last generation received, which has the characteristics that the breeder intended, enters the market.
This selection type allows you to fix the desired properties in the marijuana plant.
Cannabis Self-Pollination

To start the process of self-pollination, geneticists use special chemicals that stress the plant and cause it to produce stamens that release pollen. When pollen pollinates the same plant or clones taken from it, such offspring are considered self-pollinated, that is, S1.
CBD seeds, obtained as a result of self-pollination, are almost an exact copy of the parent. A spectacular example of S1 genetics is Tropimango.
Chemical Profile of Cannabis
To effectively navigate the variety of marijuana consumers and growers need to understand how one bud differs from another. Currently, the only available classification of cannabis is based on the concept of strains, which is not always true. For successful marijuana research, new ways of systematization are needed, such as chemotypes and chemovars.

Unfortunately, at the moment, many cannabis researchers who conduct their business through surveys often only have access to data on the name of the variety and the percentage of THC in the products that the respondents take, making it troublesome to obtain valuable and reliable results.
The entire chemical profile of the plant has a significant impact on the physiological and psychoactive effects of cannabis. It includes many different cannabinoids and terpenes.
A chemotype (chemical type) is a group of plants, each of which is dominated by the same cannabinoid.
It is a rather simple and crude explanation, which does not make it possible to select specific cannabis for specific purposes.
Nevertheless, this approach already helps to distinguish between the main groups within which it will be possible to carry out a more accurate and detailed classification. There are currently five chemotypes:
- The predominance of THC;
- The balance between THC and CBD;
- The predominance of CBD;
- Predominance of CBG;
- Absence of cannabinoids.
Chemovar (chemical variation) is a group of cannabis species close to each other in the content of several predominant cannabinoids and 2-4 principal terpenes.
Unlike chemotypes, this level of classification is not properly defined. So far, there is no single and explicit list of cannabis chemovars. Regardless, the approach can help researchers quickly solve the main problems in their field, and doctors to prescribe the most appropriate cannabis medicines.
How Does Genetics Affect the Chemical Profile of Weed?

Genetics allows growers to choose the best properties of cannabis and enhance them (fortunately, there are many ways to select).
Often, growers improve the potency of marijuana or alter the terpene profile, making the buds more soothing, smelly, or just not like their siblings.
Through a variety of methods, growers are also able to focus on a particular marijuana trait to cross it with another equally wonderful weed. The result can be a super-powerful hybrid that is in many ways better than its ancestors. However, the chemical profile of marijuana still requires a lot of scientific research and explanation.
When choosing your marijuana seed genetics, it is essential to focus on how different the bred strain is from its parents. When you want to buy CBD seeds from a particular strain, it’s also worth looking at the conditions you’re growing your weed in, because genetics isn’t the only thing that affects the chemical profile of the plants.
The article is written by AskGrowers expert Denys Svirepchuk. He became interested in the marijuana topic while he was still a college student and has since become a real connoisseur of cannabis. It allows him to write engaging and educational articles that shed light on the effects of cannabis.