There is an event for the series SCIENCE FELL IN LOVE, SO I TRIED TO PROVE IT announced today that a second season of the TV anime is currently in production. The series based on the romance comedy manga series by Alifred Yamamoto, aired its first season from January 2020 to March 2020.
The trailer of second season will be released on the official Twitter account for the franchise at a time with a key visual as well.

Now the first season of SCIENCE FELL IN LOVE, SO I TRIED TO PROVE IT as it aired in Japan and gave it an English dub . Describe it as such:
What happens when a science minded boy and girl who are deeply passionate of about research fall in love?
An intelligent woman named Himuro Ayame who is a science graduate student at Saitama University happens to ask fellow science graduate student Yukimura Shirya out.
Ofcourse theres no logical reason for love. But as a science and engineering major not being able logically prove love would mean that those feelings are not real, and they would fail as a science student. With that in mind, the two drag everyone else in the lab into trying various experiments to prove love actually exists.
There are many laughs and heart racing moments in the scientific romantic comedy.


This blog describes that Science fell in Love season 2 is announced and spoilers are out. What happens when a science-interested girl and boy who is deeply passionate about research fall in love? A wise woman named Himo Ayeme, a Bachelor of Science student at Saitama University, asks fellow science graduate student Yukimura Shinya.

Omnitos provides the best quality of this season of Science fell in love. Watch Link mentioned in the description. Keep in touch with us! Thank you.

Howdy, I am Jaspreet Singh - A passionate blogger who continuously searches for new things and the one who likes to explore. There is plenty of misinformation when it comes to the latest news about many anime related stuff, so, I started a website named Omnitos in 2016 to introduce change in this field towards good. Follow me on Facebook! For any questions/complaints contact me at [email protected]