Rascal Does not dream of Bunny girl Episode 2

Hey, everyone. The fall anime Seishun Buta Yarou “Rascal Does not dream of Bunny girl Senpai” recently started and left fans wanting for more. While most of the believed the anime to be packed ecchi stuff the first episode was actually subtle and defer based on the title. So here is small peak on Episode 2 with its Synopsis and Preview Images. The Episode is titled as “First Date” Subscribe to our Reddit Community for latest updates.
Synopsis Seishun Buta Yarou Episode 2

While searching for the cause of Mai’s puberty syndrome, Sakuta decides to go out with Mai.

Sakuta, who tried to help lost girls on the way to Fujisawa station on the day of appointment, was misunderstood by a girl as a pervert, and that makes him late for meeting with Mai because of that.

He managed to get a permission from Mai and managed to date but Mai changed her destination and took Sakuta to Shichirigahama…

(Note: These are rough Japanese translations. May lead to wrong conclusions)

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Howdy, I am Jaspreet Singh - A passionate blogger who continuously searches for new things and the one who likes to explore. There is plenty of misinformation when it comes to the latest news about many anime related stuff, so, I started a website named Omnitos in 2016 to introduce change in this field towards good. Follow me on Facebook! For any questions/complaints contact me at [email protected]