One of the greatest creations of “Tatsuya Endo” known as Spy X Family, based on the action, comedy, and adventure genre weekly published in Shonen Jump. This action-packed manga garnished with adventure and comedy gained the magnificent attention of the audience. In this article, you will find what happened in the Spy X Family chapter 44 and the release date of the upcoming chapter.
The plot of the manga revolves around our main protagonist a spy who builds a fake family to execute a mission, without knowing that his fake daughter and wife is an assassin and also a mind reader.
A quick recap of Chapter 43
Before moving on to Spy X Family chapter 44 let’s have a quick recap of chapter 43 which is published on March 21, 2024. And the worldwide response seems to be more active for this chapter than ever. This manga is getting better every week with every chapter. The art form and the storyline of this are beautifully designed.
In this chapter, more focus is given to Yor Forger as she isn’t satisfied with her assassination job and with the fake mother role.
Chapter 43 ends with a new mission for maintaining the peace between west and east. We won’t spoil your chapter, you can just read it on Viz and watch the full series of Spy X Family. We would suggest you watch it on an official website for a better experience with a more user-friendly environment because no one wants to get interrupted.
Chapter 44 and release date
The Spy X Family chapter 44 release date is on 5th April 2024.
As we mentioned in the recap of chapter 43, unfortunately, we haven’t got any leaked spoiler of the chapter. But the last chapter left so many questions to ask about the news for maintaining peace in the west and east. We will update you if got any official lead on the spoiler of chapter 44.