Sword Art Online Alicization Episode 1

Hello, everyone. The Sword Art Online anime is finally gonna make a comeback tomorrow with its final major arc Alicization Arc. So, here is small sneak peek on Episode 1 with its Synopsis and Preview Images. The Episode 1 is titled as “Underworld”. Subscribe to our Reddit Community for latest updates. Release Date is slated for tomorrow 6th October.

Synopsis Sword Art Online Alicization Episode 1

A young boy who grew up in “Village of Rurid” · Kirito was carrying a rookie to defeat the huge black tree · gigas seeder with the childhood friend Yujio. When waving an ax to defeat the big trees today, Alice ‘s childhood friend comes with a hand made pie.

In the midst of lunch, they decide to go out to the cave of the “mountain range of the end of the mountains” that came in the fairy tale. I tell Mr. Kirito and Alice that it is okay for Eugeo who was worried whether they will violate the world’s contravention catalog or not, and we will have a departure day.

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