The Case Study of Vanitas
The Case Study of Vanitas

Your beloved Shonen manga series was written by “Jun Mochizuki” known as “The Case Study of Vanitas” has been officially announced to adapting to anime this year. Anniplex announced this news on Twitter on 28 March 2024, and it will be aired near summer this year. In this article, we will know all about The Case Study of Vanitas anime adaptation.

On December 22, 2015, The Case Study of Vanitas serialized its first chapter in “Square Enix’s Monthly Gangan Joker”. It is the third main series by Jun Mochizuki. This manga is also published by Yen Press and Square Enix. Yen Press published The Case Study of Vanitas in English from the day of its debut and Square Enix published it 8 volumes on June 22. It gathered so much attention from the public that it made a position in the American Library Association’s Young Adult Library Services Association for Gret Graphics for teens.


The Case Study of Vanitas anime adaptation

Yes, this is happening The Case Study of Vanitas is adapting into animes and it will be on your screen in the upcoming summer. The main cast of the upcoming anime who will do the voice for the main roles will include Natsuki Hanae as Vanitas and Kaito Ishikawa will do a voice-over for Noe. They also confirm a theme song “Sora to Sora” which is sing by Sasanomaly.

Well, they didn’t reveal much about the animes but we have a little bit of official confirmation regarding the anime series. The cast for the Case Study of Vanitas is also officially confirmed which involve sub Character designing by Chiyo Nakayama, Shinpai Ishibashi as a prop designer, Izumi Takazawa as a visual concept artist and color designer, Shuhei Tada as an art designer, Shingo Kanai as an art director, Shizuo Kurahashi and Sachiko Nishi as sound effects coordinators.

When will “The case study of Vanitas” release?

The Case Study of Vanitas will be going to release in July 2024 if everything goes well. It has been officially confirmed that this anime series will be on your screen thill this summer. For Case Study lover this summer is going to hit them with witnessing their favorite manga on screen. And yes, we have one more thing for the case study lover, they have launched a trailer where they show the first glance of The Case Study of Vanitas.

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Overview of The Case Study of Vanitas

The Case Study of Vanitas is written by Jun Mochizuki. The story revolved around a ride to Paris in the 19th century where Noe meets Vanitas. Noe calls himself the doctor of vampires and can cure the disease name Malnomen. This condition cause vampires to work or behave against their will. Noe uses a book of Vanitas which was originally connected with the soul of Vanitas to cure vampires.

Manga publisher Yen Press describes the first volume of this manga series as:

“Rumors revolving around The Book of Vanitas, a clockwork grimoire of dubious reputation, draw Noé, a young vampire in search of a friend’s salvation, to Paris. What awaits him in the City of Flowers, however, is not long hours treading the pavement or rifling through dusty bookshops in search of the tome. Instead, his quarry comes to him…in the arms of a man claiming to be a vampire doctor! Thrust into a conflict that threatens the peace between humans and vampires, will Noé cast in his lot with the curious and slightly unbalanced Vanitas and his quest to save vampirekind?”

We can consider that the anime adaptation of this anime will follow the same storyline as in the manga. You can read the Case Study of Vanitas on Mangakakalot.