Dr. Stone follows the tale of Senku, who is aiming to restore humanity’s scientific age after human civilization unexpectedly came to a halt over 3000 thousand years ago when all people were petrified. Senku tried to grasp his new surroundings before applying science to help him in his everyday experience after reawakening to a mysterious new world. So if you love science or want to get into it Dr stone and other anime like it are for you.
However, fans are looking to satisfy their eyes and minds with another anime like Dr. Stone. Don’t worry cause we got you covered. Today we are bringing you Top 10 Anime like Dr. Stone that you can watch.
So without any delay let’s dive into the Top 10 list of Anime like Dr. Stone. Have a good read, and don’t forget to check our other latest articles on the latest Anime & Manga developments.
Top 10 Anime like Dr. Stone:
Ascendance Of A Bookworm:
When a woman dies, she hopes to be reincarnated on a planet where she may spend the rest of her life reading. She subsequently awakens in a new world where books are scarce and decides to produce her line of books using memories from her previous existence. Ascendance Of A Bookworm delves into a topic that isn’t widely discussed. Still, the anime explores a different form of survival, with the retention of knowledge as the primary aim, similar to Dr. Stone.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K:
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. is a comedy series about Kusuo, a teen with unlimited psychic abilities. Kusuke, his older brother, employs the power of science to either neutralize or annoy his psychic abilities. Senku’s ambition to utilize science to overcome the fanciful is all Kusuke, but Kusuo’s attitude is eerily similar to Senku’s – serious, intelligent, and dedicated.
Are You Lost?:
Dr. Stone is a sci-fi adventure Anime with some comedic parts but is mostly concerned with portraying a serious survival story. Are You Perplexed? It similarly throws its characters in danger and challenges them to learn survival skills on the fly, but with more comedy, fan service, and pretty chicks. Four teenagers/high school pals are left on a secluded island after a plane catastrophe. One of them uses her father’s survival skills to lead the others on their quest to survive the island until they can discover a way off. Are You Lost? would be a decent pick if you’re searching for something a little lighter-hearted and humorous with some of the same themes as Dr. Stone.
Uninhabited Planet Survive:
Space travel is widespread and easy to obtain in the twenty-first century, therefore it must be because Earth is inhospitable. During an interplanetary field trip, a group of students is drawn into a seemingly empty – and potentially dangerous – planet by a gravity storm. Survival will not be simple, and it will require the wisdom and strength that Senku and his friends demonstrate in Dr. Stone.
Astra Lost in Space:
Another 2019 anime worth checking out alongside Dr. Stone is Astra Lost in Space. That’s because it’s also a survival story set in an unusual and seemingly uninhabitable environment. Space travel is popular in the year 2061, and a group of students is on their way to a very genuine version of a space camp. When a strange light transfers them 5012 light-years away from Earth, they must figure out how to return home – a task that will test every ounce of their knowledge and survival skills.
From the New World:
The New World depicts a world that has devolved into anarchy as a result of people developing psychokinetic talents. This new development ushered in a period of enormous instability and turmoil, to the point where those with unique psychic powers were forced to withdraw from society. The story follows Saki Watanabe and her companions at the enigmatic Sage Academy. The kids immediately settle into their assigned duties. But it doesn’t take long for them to notice the flaws in their Utopia. This will be interesting to watch if you love watching Dr. Stone.
Moyashimon follows Tadayasu Sawaki, a first-year agriculture student, as he attempts to negotiate his university life. Much like Dr. Stone, the anime can teach as well as learn. Tadayasu has a rare ability that allows him to see germs and other small entities and converse with them. Though valuable, Tadayasu’s skill frequently puts him in circumstances where he is uncomfortable. Regardless, he must fast mature if he is to attain his objectives.
Cells At Work:
Cells at Work is a vibrant picture of human cells going about their daily lives in each of the episodes. It manages to provide a substantial amount of science to the public without ever becoming too difficult to comprehend. This makes it a fun anime to watch, but don’t expect to pass a medical exam based on this. That isn’t the point of the show. Fans of Dr. Stone may enjoy this anime because of its educational value, although Cells at Work is a lot less thrilling version of the traditional “science is fun” cliche.
Steins; Gate:
Senkou Rintarou is a genius ahead of his time who, like all geniuses, wishes to develop even further. The story of Rintarou and his friends as they seek to construct futuristic technology in their lab. They realize that the “Phone Microwave” they developed is capable of transmitting emails to the past. Through endless trial and error. This leads to the realization that once sent, these emails change the course of history. Steins; Gate is a great science fiction anime that should be watched by all Dr. Stone enthusiasts.
7 Seeds:
After a massive meteorite collided with Earth, it was thought that all of the planet’s living beings had perished. Surprisingly, the administration was able to foretell the planet’s imminent demise. As a result, they kept a backup plan in place in the hopes that humanity would survive. This backup plan consists of seven men and women who have been cryogenically frozen. When these individuals wake up from their extended slumber, they are confronted with a strange and deadly world. For which they are woefully unprepared.
Does this ring a bell? 7 Seeds is for you if you liked this type of theme in Dr. Stone.
That is all from the Top 10 Anime like Dr. Stone. Hope you liked it. you can catch all these amazing anime on either Crunchyroll or Funimation.