Are you a fan of Detective Conan? And looking for more anime like it? If that’s the case, just sit back and relax. Because we bring you Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan. So let’s go ahead and check out the list.

So those who don’t know Detective Conan here’s a short summary. The protagonist of this anime is Detective Conan. Shinichi Kudo is forced to consume a drug that transformed him into a kid. He travels out case by case to track down the people behind this. With the mentality of a man in the body of a child. Conan travels the world, solving the strangest of crimes. Using wits, intellect, and an intense quest for mystery.

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Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan

10. Black Jack

Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan

Even though he isn’t formally licenced as a doctor, Dr. Black Jack is regarded as a remarkable surgeon. He has the ability to heal any ailment or illness. though , unknown diseases and illnesses are a mystery also. Plus, when Dr. Black Jack uses his magical procedures and close observations to cure someone, it’s truly a sight to behold. In a sense of solving mystery it simialr to Detective Conan.

9. The Kindaichi Case Files

Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan

Another great anime on the list of Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan. The Kindaichi Case Files is an anime in which a high school student takes on the role of a detective in order to solve murders. It’s an interesting concept. The crimes are truly enthralling, and Hajime Kindaichi’s approach to solving them is a joy to watch!

8. Baccano!

Baccano! is a show that is positively bursting at the seams with enthusiasm in each episode. It also boasts one of the most complicated plots in the anime genre. It may take a time for viewers to warm up to Baccano!, but once they do, the feeling of finally connecting the plot strands is indescribably rewarding. Baccano! is a must-see for fans of the genre because of the mystery surrounding the events.

7. Ergo Proxy

Next on our list of Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan, we have Ergo Proxy. Subservient machines gaining sentience is a terrifying prospect. This anime does a fantastic job of combining these themes in a way that hasn’t been seen before. The mysteries in Ergo Proxy are pretty fascinating. Despite the fact that they are much more mature, they are fairly similar to Detective Conan.

6. Future Diary

Another classic on the list is future Dairy. And have mysteries and thrill similar to Detective Conan. One of the most powerful abilities somebody may have is the ability to predict the future. Future Diary, on the other hand, is intriguing to watch from beginning to end because of the way it works around these notions.

Yuki and Yuno’s relationship is highly compelling throughout the episode, and the supporting cast is also quite interesting in their own right. The desire to become God drives individuals insane as they try to kill each other in order to obtain the throne.

5. Steins; Gate

This anime is next in our Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan. Because the mechanics in this anime are so complicated, it takes a few episodes to get things going. However, it is worthwhile to wait until the series improves, which it does at some point. Steins;Gate may be a slow-burning series, but it’s when the flames are at their fiercest that fans get to appreciate one of the greatest anime series of all time.

4. Psycho-Pass

Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan

Psycho-Pass’ major mystery and never-ending excitement, make it a great contender in the list of Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan. The thought of living in a society where someone who is likely to commit crimes is apprehended before they can do so sounds strangely rational while yet seeming extremely dismal. This is, unfortunately, the world in which the residents of Psycho-Pass live.

3. Detective School Q

This anime will keep you glued to it in a way similar to Detective Conan. The cases in Detective School Q can be extremely complicated at times, but none of them are complex enough to derail the primary characters. This show is a great watch because of the frequent chess games that go place.

2. Monster

Monster is a magnificent show that is still considered by many to be one of the finest anime of all time. It is a mystery thriller in which an unwary doctor becomes engaged in an epochal conflict. The program contains a little bit of everything, which should be enough to keep it intriguing on its own.

This anime’s seventy-four episodes will take viewers on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Monster is well worth anyone’s time, especially given the spectacular nature of its climax!

1. Death Note

It would be crazy to discuss mystery anime without addressing Death Note’s genius. After all, this is one of the most well-known anime series of all time, and it acted as a springboard for many people into this fascinating medium.

The battle of wits between Light and L was fascinating to watch, with each character constantly pushing the other to their limits.

That is all from Top 10 Anime Similar to Detective Conan. Hope you liked it. you can catch all these amazing anime on either Crunchyroll or Funimation.