From the day one of the tournament of power we all were wondering what kind of power does that two unknown warriors from universe 4 will have? or how they will look like? Thanks to KenXyro and Yankou Productions!
So today I am gonna tell you about those unknown warriors and their powers as they officially appeared in the DBS calendar. Also, these are confirmed legit stuff, not theories. Let’s talk about the first warrior:
Damom Appearance:
He appears to be like an insect resembling cicada, short in size, 2 antennas with red eyes. Also, we have seen him in the opening song.You can see him in the image below.
Also in the official calendar of Dragon Ball super appearance of Universe 4 warrior!
Powers :
- Invisibility – Through unknown means, he can hide his physical appearance as well as his ki, still, Tien and Krillin were able to sense his slight presence.
- Body Shedding – Like a real cicada, he can shed his skin, leaving behind an empty husk.
- Self-destruction- One of the interesting powers he got is self-destruction, in which using his own power one acts as a bomb releasing a large amount of energy when exploded. We have seen self-destruction in Cell Saga in which Cell, self-destructed himself.
Now Let’s talk about the second warrior:
His appearance is similar to Damom despite being purple in color.Gamisaras only have appeared only on Zeno’s God tab.
(Sorry this is the best quality and single image available of Gamisaras)
Powers :
- Invisibility – Through unknown means, he can hide his physical appearance as well as him ki, still, Tien and Krillin were able to sense his slight presence.
- Body Shedding – Like a real cicada, he can shed his skin, leaving behind an empty husk.
- Body copying- unlike other abilities similar to his brother (Damom) one of the special ability he got is body copying in which he becomes similar to one he wants to look like. One of the proof is that Majaro is showed with eyes in opening song while he his actually blind.