Will My Hero Academia finish soon? Is it the end for Deku?
Will My Hero Academia finish soon? Is it the end for Deku?

A superhero action-packed manga is written by “Kohei Horikoshi” serialized in Shonen Jump’s weekly addition. The latest chapter 306 of this manga got published on March 21, 2002. And it has completed the 4 seasons in animated and also launched the trailer of season 5.

Fans all around the world were happy by getting all the new seasons and chapters of their lovable anime. But in between this good time, we hear some speculation that My Hero Academia will be going to end soon. In this article, we will discuss will My Hero Academia finish soon.

An anime of a quirk-less child named “Midoriya” who born in the world of superheroes where everyone has a special power called quirk. Who wants to be the world’s no. 1 hero like his idol All Might.

My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia


Will My Hero Academia finish soon? Is it the end for Deku?

The one anime which didn’t get any negative views from the audience. And also gathered a massive amount of fan following. Well for a few days we all are hearing some speculation that our favorite series has come to an end. And now we all have the same question will My Hero Academia finish soon.

Unfourtanetly, this is true. Our favorite series of My hero academia has come to an end. And yeah it’s officially confirmed by Horikoshi in the Jump Festa 2024 super stage event. This news got fire when a Twitter user shares the Horikoshi word. The manga will be reaching its conclusion soon.

Read all the chapters of MY hero academia on Viz Official.

Why it’s comes to end?

Now, we have the answer of “Will My Hero Academia finish soon”. But we did not know the main reason why they will put this series to an end. Below is some fact they are not officially announced but as the theory one of them is the reason for this situation.

  • The main villain of the series got super strong and putting the manga to an end.
  • Midoriya’s transferable power truth has been revealed to all.
  • Stakes got down.

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