By MovieWeb

Wakanda forever for us! Since Black Panther proved such a blockbuster, a sequel was inevitable. And the release date is now confirmed for May 6 2024. That’s the official news from Marvel, a great Phase 5 gift for fans. Beware that it would be in the phase 5.

Joining Fiege onstage was Black Pantherwriter/director Ryan Coogler, who is returning to write and direct the sequel.

Originally Black Panther released in February 2018, was a groundbreaking lovely entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the box office gross and cultural impact to prove it. Even an Oscar nomination to prove it.

It was also one of the last movies to be released in Marvel’s Phase Three, hitting theaters just before Avengers: Infinity war which set the stage for Avengers: Endgame last April.

A sequel was always inevitable, especially after Avengers: Endgame set up a world in which Black Panther may play a larger role in the Avengers.

The Eternals scheduled in phase for phase 4 caste with suits revealed.

Howdy, I am Jaspreet Singh - A passionate blogger who continuously searches for new things and the one who likes to explore. There is plenty of misinformation when it comes to the latest news about many anime related stuff, so, I started a website named Omnitos in 2016 to introduce change in this field towards good. Follow me on Facebook! For any questions/complaints contact me at [email protected]