Hello, everyone. The challenges for the Fortnite Season 6 Week 3 have apparently been leaked by dataminers. It looks as if fans will be able to prepare themselves early for Season 6 Week 3’s challenges, as the list appears to have been leaked online ahead of its official reveal. Subscribe to our Reddit Community for latest updates.
Dataminers got this list of Fortnite leaked challenges from in-game Battle Royale files, so they completely turn out to be 100 % true. As always, these challenges can and most possible will undergo small changes before to release, so these might not all be entirely true what they end up being.
As with Fortnite Season 5, the weekly challenges are divided into free and battle pass, suggesting you will need to own the battle pass in order to gain access to 4 of the 7 tasks.
Fortnite Season 6 Week 3 Challenges
Fortnite Season 6 Week 3 – Free Challenges
- Revive a player in different matches: 5 Battle Stars
- Stage One- Search a Chest in Lonely Lodge
- Ring the doorbell of a house with an enemy inside: 10 Battle Stars *HARD*
Fortnite Season 6 Week 3- Battle Pass Challenges
- Stage One- Visit Risky Reels; Wailing Woods in a single match: 1 Battle Star
- Hit a player with a Tomato 20m away or more: 5 Battle Stars
- Shoot three targets at different Shooting Galleries: 10 Battle Stars *HARD*
- Eliminate an opponent in different matches: 10 Battle Stars *HARD*
Completing the total 7 challenges will profit you with XP and Battle Stars that player can use to level up their Battle Pass. This week will mark players taking on a mixture of strange challenges, as they attempt to earn those Battle Stars & level up their Battle Pass. One of the common eye-catching Fortnite tasks is ‘Ring the doorbell of a house with an enemy inside. As with every leaked the Season 6 Week 3 Challenges are subject to modification before they go live.
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