
As we age, our skin changes. It becomes drier, more wrinkled, and more prone to certain conditions like age spots and sagging. Proper skin care is essential for seniors to maintain healthy, comfortable skin as they get older. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the top tips for caring for aging skin and provide resources to help seniors prioritize skin health.


Moisturize Regularly

One of the most important things seniors can do for their skin is moisturized every day. Moisturizing helps soften dry skin and may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Look for moisturizers that contain ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin. These help draw moisture into the skin and create a protective barrier. Apply liberally all over the body, especially on the delicate skin on the face, neck, hands and arms. Moisturizing twice a day is ideal.

Use Gentler Cleansers


As skin ages, it becomes more sensitive. Harsh soaps and cleansers can strip away natural oils and irritate the skin. The best face cleansers for seniors are gentle, non-foaming cleansers or cleansing milks. Look for formulas with added ceramides or hyaluronic acid for extra moisture. Also be sure to pat skin dry rather than rubbing vigorously with a towel.

Exfoliate Carefully

Exfoliation can help boost collagen production and cell turnover for brighter, smoother looking skin. But aging skin is more delicate. Vigorous scrubbing or harsh formulas can cause irritation. Look for gentle exfoliants with soft, round scrubbing beads or natural enzymes like papaya. Use them 1-2 times per week and avoid rubbing hard.

Choose Broad Spectrum Sunscreen


Sun damage is one of the primary causes of skin aging. Daily broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher is essential for protecting senior skin. Look for a formula that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Apply it every morning, even on cloudy days, and reapply every 2 hours if spending time outdoors. Wearing sun protective clothing and hats adds further protection.

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is vital for overall health and especially beneficial for skin. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep skin cells plump and supple. Avoid excess alcohol and caffeine, which can be dehydrating. Foods with high water content like cucumbers, watermelon, and berries also contribute to hydration levels. Aim for the recommended daily intake of water based on level of activity and climate.

Manage Underlying Conditions

Sometimes skin changes are linked to underlying health issues that affect the skin. Common conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and venous insufficiency can worsen with age. Receiving proper treatment can effectively alleviate the discomfort of symptoms. Dermatologists can provide medications or procedures to help. For venous insufficiency, compression stockings can relieve aching and swelling. Check with your doctor about skin conditions to determine the best treatment options.

Ask About Retinoids


For aging skin, retinoids can help minimize fine lines, smooth roughness, and boost collagen. They are vitamin A derivatives available by prescription. However, in Utah, Utah vein specialists recommend caution with topical retinoids if you have underlying venous insufficiency. Consult your dermatologist and vein doctor. They can advise whether retinoids are appropriate for your individual skin health needs.

Treat Age Spots

Liver spots or age spots are a frequent occurrence among seniors. These brown, black or tan patches typically appear on the face, hands, shoulders and other sun-exposed areas. While harmless, many wish to reduce their appearance. Laser treatments performed by a dermatologist can safely remove age spots. Chemical peels and prescription bleaching creams may also help fade them over time.

Consider Clinical Treatments


For more dramatic results, there are targeted clinical treatments available. These should always be performed by an experienced dermatologist. Options include:

  • Botox or Dysport injections to relax wrinkles
  • Dermal fillers like Juvederm to plump skin
  • Laser resurfacing to improve tone, texture, and tightness
  • Ultherapy to lift and tighten sagging skin

The risks and benefits of these treatments should be carefully considered. But they can help restore a more youthful appearance. Combination therapy is often most effective.

Make Lifestyle Adjustments

Daily habits and lifestyle factors can impact skin health. Quitting smoking prevents further collagen and elastin breakdown. Managing stress and getting enough sleep reduces inflammation and stress hormone levels. A diet rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and E helps fight free radical damage. And regular exercise increases blood flow and promotes cell turnover. Making skin-friendly adjustments contributes to overall wellbeing.

Seek Professional Guidance

Given all the products and procedures marketed for aging skin, it can get confusing to know where to start. Seeing a dermatologist for a skin check and guidance is wise. A dermatologist can evaluate your specific skin concerns and needs. They can suggest personalized at-home care regimens and treatments to help you achieve your skin goals as you get older. A few visits can help you take the guesswork out of caring for your changing skin.

In summary, caring for aging skin requires being gentler, diligent about sun protection, proactive with moisturizing, and aware of how existing conditions factor in. Resources like skin-savvy dermatologists and products designed specifically for mature skin help seniors care for their skin as they age. Prioritizing skin health promotes natural beauty, comfort and confidence as we get older.