The recommendation list of anime to watch is way too long. Today we will discuss one such anime that is World Trigger. Wondering to watch it or not? Don’t worry; we got you covered. We got many reasons from which u might get interested in this series. The show is an underrated anime based on a manga that goes by the same name. the manga is written by Daisuke Ashihara. The serialization of this manga began in February 2013 but had to take a hiatus due to the author’s health. further, we will tell you Why You Should Give World Trigger A Try?
Thus this led to a break for the anime adaptation, which started airing in 2014, and season 2 of the show is right now running successfully in 2024. Even though the show has a very good storyline it is said that the show has a very slow pace and vast cast. Please don’t look at this negative because it has plenty to offer.
Reasons why you should watch World Trigger
Video Game Inspired Setting
The story is all set in a futuristic way, where people got trion glands that allow them to use the trigger technology. This technology doesn’t belong to them it belongs to the neighbor or aliens to threaten Japan.
Trigger helps to create an alternate body for fighting, which is stronger than the average body. The technology is used by Border organizations to protect them. The entire concept is based on an alternate reality. The setting of the show also quite amazing and very creative. It is one of the biggest reasons to watch the show.
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Battle’s Relying on Strategies & Tactical Approaches
We have seen in the shounen fights that they are typically based on the Willpower and power gained from having friends, but that’s not the case here. Here fights are mostly strategy-based.
It gives more importance to the location of the fight that can give you more benefit. Also focuses on the weather conditions and the worst-case scenarios, preparing counterattacks. The rank wars which happen to test the ability of characters are explained in detail. This is a great way to understand characters more easily. Rank wars are known by the name of mock battles.
Here it is not like that, if you are powerful you will only win the battle. Even the relatively weak one can defeat the stronger enemies. You cannot decide who’s going to win the battle until it ends. this is also one of the reasons Why You Should Give a World Trigger A Try?
Vast Cast no one Feeling Excluded
Right now many supporting characters are forgotten easily because of fewer roles and the type of role they get. Here you will find every character very useful because the screen time is divided nicely. There are times where the main cast doesn’t even show up!
Everyone plays their part in a very beautiful way, and all of their training and motivations combine to protect Japan. As the show gives the proper role to everyone I think that it is one of the biggest reasons to watch it.
Realistic Power Scale & Growth
Osamu, the lead character is the weakest. Unlike other shows where he can go into few months of training and we see an insane glow-up that not happening here. We see by the end of season 2 a very low skill progress in Osamu.
The same goes for other characters of the show. other characters also don’t become strong instantly or are already overpowered. Gradual development in all the characters is seen throughout the show.
Overpowered But Not Oversmart Lead Characters
There are already few OP characters in the show such as Yuichi Jin. He is an elite trigger user from Tamakoma. Jin is one of the four main characters but works behind the scene. His playful personality makes every situation look easy and also he is capable of outwitting everyone literally.
Characters like him make us watch the show and they also provide a load of entertainment. In the end, I just want to say that the series is full of adventure and everyone will enjoy watching this. It is a package full of entertainment and adventure. and this was all about Why You Should Give World Trigger A Try?
Also, make sure to watch Kuga’s First match in World Trigger