Image by Rmehedi

Howdy, everyone, yesterday Dragon Ball Super Movie all Character Designs were Revealed. This week not much news was released except about Dragon Ball Heroes Episode 3 will release on September 1. We all are really excited about the movie after seeing the trailer which was released earlier this month. All of these designs look a bit different than the original Anime as this is a different Animation Style. Subscribe to our Reddit Community for latest updates. See all of the designs below.

Dragon Ball Super Movie 2018 Characters

Dragon Ball Super Movie 2018 has been revealed as Dragon Ball Super: Broly. The movie will release on 14th December in Japan this year, and latest picture suggests that it will release in the USA in early January 2019.

The unknown characters at the lower end are Freeza’s soldiers in the above picture. Freeza too has a good role in the movie.

How full powered Super Saiyan Broly will look like?

The image below is known as the Full Powered Super Saiyan Broly, but they don’t call it a Legendary Form or something like that.

Don’t forget that Vegeta will go Super Saiyan God (Red) in the movie for the first time ever. The new image which shows character designs of Vegeta in different forms throughout the movie has emerged, and it shows Vegeta Super Saiyan God (Red). This is the first time in the Anime/Movie that he will use that form (In the Manga Vegeta has already used that form). Of course, Super Saiyan God is powerful than SSJ3 and consumes very less stamina but it isn’t powerful than the Blue form which was already cleared in the Anime episode itself when Goku was fighting against Dyspo.

New Visual by Manga Creator Toyotaro

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Howdy, I am Jaspreet Singh - A passionate blogger who continuously searches for new things and the one who likes to explore. There is plenty of misinformation when it comes to the latest news about many anime related stuff, so, I started a website named Omnitos in 2016 to introduce change in this field towards good. Follow me on Facebook! For any questions/complaints contact me at