Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67 will reveal a new arc, and 73 still alive. Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67 release date is December 20, 2020. Spoilers, raw scans, leaks, summaries got released.

In the last chapter, Goku went full Ultra Instinct thanks to the energy given by Uub and Grand kai he was able to defeat Moro at last, also thanks to Whis’ advice to tackle Morro and Meerus’ sacrifice. But new Granola Arc will be like mecha type villain arc probably.

In the upcoming chapter 67, Yunba asks Jaco if 73’s really destroyed, then he smiles because the Galactic Patrol didn’t check if 73 is really destroyed. The scene moves to 73’s remains on the battlefield, something/some kind of piece jumps into 73’s head & suddenly his eyes start glowing.

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67


Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67 Release Date and Time

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67 Live countdown to release for every country, release date December 20.

Go here for Live Countdown to the Chapter

Read Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67






(*Download the Shonen Jump app from the play store or app store and search for Dragon Ball Super 67 in it. There might be 5 mins delay on viz and manga plus but the Shonen Jump app gets the chapter instantly after the countdown finishes.)

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67 Spoilers, Leaks, Raw Scans

Dragon Ball Super 67 Spoilers Status: Released

DBS CH67 & New Arc Trailer! Name: “Granola the Survivor Arc” (生残者グラノラ編). (Initial Translations, the official name could be different). “Everything is back to normal, except for one Angel who disappeared…”

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67 Summary

Chapter 67 Leaks by DBS Hype Twitter

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 67

The last seen in the trailer shows Granola, He’s like tailing the ship while confirming to someone if that’s the ship they are searching for.

Dragon Ball Super 66 Recap

Earlier Dragon Ball Super Manga Chapter 66 reveals the finale of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc which featured Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku Vs Moro becoming a dangerous situation for the galaxy which forcing Whis to step in prior to taking his leave, in letting Goku know about what Moro’s weakness was, also, Goku attempting to do everything he could, Goku was caught by Moro and absorbed by him. Vegeta reenters the battle in helping draw power out of Moro by using his forced spirit fission, and at last, Vegeta gave every bit of his and others power to Goku but was useless, Goku only turned Super Saiyan.

With all hope lost, God Ki from Buu and UUb is sent in to help Vegeta give to Goku, as it was from none other than the Grand Kai and Uub which had godly ki! Now, Goku’s powers restored and now channeling full Ultra Instinct again, Goku aims and destroys the crystal on Moro’s forehead as said by Whis, finally ridding him from the earth once and for all. With everyone now tired and exhausted, Goku reveals that it’s finally over and that Moro is now gone. Was this the right ending? Should we have gotten Beerus Vs Moro instead? Which fight between Goku Vs Moro, Vegeta Vs Moro, Gohan Vs Moro, The Androids Vs Moro was your favorite? What could the next arc have in store for our heroes?

Is Beerus really worried about Goku or just Earth’s food? Is he worried about the Ultra Instinct form? Are we going to see Moro make a comeback and defeat Goku in the future? The end of Merus Vs Moro resulted in Goku reaching the height of power Ultra Instinct but will he lose it, also, What will the Grand priest do to Beerus and what actually happened to Meerus?

DBS Anime Season 2 in 2024?

We hope for Dragon Ball Super ‘anime or movie’ announcement in 2020, but it would not return in 2020. COVID 19 may delay it further away.

We are not sure when it’ll be but we do expect some form of an announcement as far as a movie or anime goes. Ryo Horikawa himself has continued to tease more Dragon Ball, including supposedly at his concerts where he’s telling fans, wink on Dragon Ball but time is not to say anything.

All we can do now is wait for an announcement, so that’s it that’s the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and let’s just be patient and wait because whatever’s coming is gonna come. Let’s just watch the manga till then which is currently on Dragon Ball Super Chapter 66.

The next year 2024 would definitely bring something good for us. After all Dragon Ball fetches them huge chunks of profit.

DBS Manga Discussion

The Dragon Ball Super Series is live on Shueisha’s V Jump monthly magazine in Japan, and the Viz Media site is publishing it in their Shonen Jump digital anthology magazine in the United States and can be read from any other country through Viz and Mangaplus websites in English. Also, check Boruto’s latest story.

Howdy, I am Jaspreet Singh - A passionate blogger who continuously searches for new things and the one who likes to explore. There is plenty of misinformation when it comes to the latest news about many anime related stuff, so, I started a website named Omnitos in 2016 to introduce change in this field towards good. Follow me on Facebook! For any questions/complaints contact me at jaspreet@omnitos.com